MRTJ Accel’s 9 Startups are working hard in accelerating the passenger’s mobility and lifestyle inside MRT Jakarta’s ecosystem and ready to show their products as a result of collaboration with MRT Jakarta. 4 respected judges from the expert of the industry are as well ready to evaluate the startups from of its management, product, and commercialization aspect.
Be ready to witness the new integration of MRT Jakarta and startup companies on the MRTJ Accel Program Demo Day!
Date: February 11th, 2021
Time: 14.00 – 17.00 WIB
Channel: Youtube Live MRTv
The discussion called “Innovation in Collaboration” will also be presented by our respective speakers: Vincent Henry (CEO of Dana Indonesia), Donald Wihardja (CEO of MDI Ventures), and Victor Putra Lesmana (President of BukaFinancial & Digital of BukaLapak).
Save your seat and check out the startups on accel.jakartamrt.co.id/our-startups/
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